2007.5-2021 Cummins AMDP EFILive Custom Tune Files


Part Number: 07.5-20-RAM-AMDP-EFI-Single
Sale price$450.00 CAD
2007.5-2021 Cummins AMDP EFILive Custom Tune Files-Tune Files-AMDP-Dirty Diesel Customs

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Tunes:Single Tune

*Asterisks indicates a required selection.

VIN #*

Vehicle Identification Number

Power Level

Tire Size

Is your Truck Stock, Deleted, or Upgraded?

Please list all modifications on your truck

EC & SN Number*

Only required for 2010+ Cummins

Device Serial #

Please provide your serial number

Do you Require Autocal Link Codes?*

Cummins Transmission Type


 Year Make Engine
Dodge Ram
w/ 6.7L Cummins & EFI-Live AutoCal


AM Diesel Performance has specifically written these tunes to optimize your 6.7L Cummins. With these AMDP EFI-Live Custom Tune Files, you will be able to choose from a great selection of tunes varying from optimized stock, all the way up to 150HP. So whether you are looking to get a little more power than stock or just want to go for some power gains, AMDP has you covered!  


Ask a Question
  • What does the Transmission tuning do?

    TCM Tuning increases the line pressure, this puts more pressure on your clutch packs and prevents them from slipping which can cause excessive early wear on 68RFE's clutch disks. It will also change the shifting points to match the new tuning which helps improve the overall driveability.

  • I already have the switch installed in my truck to shift on the fly .. do I still need to purchase the one with this package

    No you can reuse your switch if you already have one.

  • I already have an auto cal from an old tuning company. Can I re-use it for these tunes?

    You can, you will have to either contact previous tuning company for unlink codes, or go onto EFI live website and purchase the unlink codes.

  • Will these tunes work on a vehicle that still has the factory emissions equipment or does it required the vehicle be emissions deleted?

    These are emissions off tunes.

  • 2018 Ram 3500 SRW. What are the hp and torque numbers for a deleted truck with a cold air intake and your tune with a 5 position switch? Thanks

    Level 1: 0HP Level 2: 50HP Level 3: 75HP Level 4: 100HP Level 5: 180HP