2006-2021 Cummins CCS EFILive Custom Tune Files

Coopers Custom Solutions

Part Number: 06-09-ram-ccs-efi-single
Sale price$358.00 CAD
2006-2021 Cummins CCS EFILive Custom Tune Files-Tune Files-Coopers Custom Solutions-Dirty Diesel Customs

This product ships for free to most Canadian locations! Learn more


*Asterisks indicates a required selection.

VIN #*

Vehicle Identification Number

Power Level

Tire Size

Is your Truck Stock, Deleted, or Upgraded?

Please list all modifications on your truck

EC & SN Number*

Only required for 2010+ Cummins

Device Serial #

Please provide your serial number

Do you Require Autocal Link Codes?*

Cummins Transmission Type


 Year Make Model Engine
Dodge Ram
HD 5.9L & 6.7L Cummins

Note: These are files only! You need an EFILive AutoCal Device to flash these tunes onto any truck! If you already have an Autocal with Custom Tuning, you'll need to contact the tuner who wrote your original tunes, they will supply you with an unlock code to unlink the AutoCal from their programming first. 

Note: All 18+ Dodge Trucks require a patch cable, click here!

Unlike most Tune Files on the market, CCS is true custom tuning for your Cummins. Just let us know what you're doing with the truck and we will get you tuning that is written specifically for your truck and your usage. 

Coopers Custom Solutions writes their custom tunes for the Cummins in Canada and is highly regarded as one of the best custom tuners for the Cummins engine. Allowing you to make safe and reliable power in your 5.9L or 6.7L.


Ask a Question
  • What does the Transmission tuning do?

    TCM Tuning increases the line pressure, this puts more pressure on your clutch packs and prevents them from slipping which can cause excessive early wear on 68RFE's clutch disks. It will also change the shifting points to match the new tuning which helps improve the overall driveability.

  • My truck is heavily modified, will this tuning work?

    Yes, we can have these tunes written to accommodate any modifications that your truck may have. We just ask that you state any modifications in the "*MODS" script box. We will have the tunes written according to what is in this box, so the more information, the better!

  • Do you need an autocal? Or can I use a flash scan?

    Both are the same, so the tunes will work.

  • I have a flashscan v3 can i purchase a file and receive it via Email?


  • I have an efi live autocal but the company I bought it from is no longer in business. How do I unlink this to install new tunes?

    Unfortunately, there is no way to unlink it if you cannot get ahold of the previous company. You would need to purchase a new autocal in order to get new tunes.

  • i have efi live tunes with another tuner for my 19 HO ram 3500 can i just order your tune to try or do i need something from the other tuner?

    If you are using an Autocal to flash the truck, the autocal will be linked to whoever tuned your truck previously.  You would need to contact them, get unlink codes (no charge) and then that will free up the autocal to allow us to link to it.  Once that is completed, yes you can order tuning and you will not need a license as you have already licensed the truck to the autocal.  Hope that makes sense!


  • How much additional money is the autocal device to install the tunes or is it included

    The Autocal is not included in this part, you would need to go here to order the tune files with Autocal.

  • I see a “single tune with no Vin license” option. Is that a generic tune?

    No this is any tune you'd like, you just would not get a VIN license with that tune.  So you'd need to have available licenses on your autocal or have already licensed the truck in order to use the file.

  • I’m willing to bet the SN is the engine serial # but I’m kind of lost on the EC #

    EC = engineering code. A manufacturere-specific code that identifies the engine calibration, configuration, or specific build version.

  • I have an efi live with a single 25hp tow tune from ccs that I purchased from dirty diesel customs, what would I have too do too change my tune too a 75hp street tune from ccs?

    You'll just need to purchase an EFI Live Custom Tuning Revision.

  • Does this tune include tcm tuning? Or need too purchase seperate? (2017 6.7 68rfe)

    TCM tuning is available separately here: 2007.5-2024 Cummins CCS EFI 68RFE TCM Tuning.

  • Which factory hp/tq rating are the hp gain numbers based on?

    These are typically based on the factory-rated horsepower of the stock engine configuration. For specific factory HP/TQ ratings, you will need to refer to the stock engine specifications for the particular year and model of Cummins being tuned.

  • I have a 2012 Ram 6.7 / G56. I bought it used and it has efi live with the 5 position switch. I am have some issues with the truck and need to be able to flash and reload tunes. I have no information of the previous owner or licenseing for the tunes. Can I purchase a complete new tuner and tunes and start from scratch? Not sure how to go about all this.

    You can go a few routes, you can unlink the Autocal from the previous owner by purchasing unlink codes HERE, this would allow you to link with us and we can supply you the custom tune files. Or you could decide to purchase a new tuner and start from scratch as well, but with unlink codes you can relink with us and we can provide you tunes that will overwrite what's currently on the truck.

  • What are the ec and sn numbers and where would they be.

    These numbers are located on the ECM tag on the side of the engine. This is just to make sure we can build your file for the exact calibration your truck came with. There is a video on how to find this tag on the installation tab on this product page.

  • Hi, I already have an efi live tune. So if I want to get your tune do I need the efi autocal vin license?

    If the Autocal is already linked to your truck you won't need a Vin license - you'll need unlink codes from EFI so you can link with us for the tune files.

  • I see the tunes for sale with EZLynk have an option for unlimited support. The efilive tunes do not have this option. If I purchase tunes for efilive would revisions have a separate fee or is this considered "unlimited"?

    You would need to purchase a tune revision down the road.


    You can retrieve the information using diagnostic tools connected to the OBD-II port.

  • Are these available in rumble tunes or are these the normal half hiss tune?


  • I have a 22 ram 2500. If I buy a 21 ecm would it be possible to make it work with my truck?

    You'll need these tunes HERE, and you will still need to send it in to us with your factory ECM for the swap procedure.

  • Do you make tune like 12 valve/lope idle for the Cummins thank you

    Yes this can write a lope idle tune.

  • How long does it take to receive a tune one ordered?

    Typically 24 hours.