Head Gasket

In this kit, you have the option to go with the head gasket alone if you've got gaskets from somewhere else. Or go for the full top-end kit, meaning you can freshen up the whole top end without having to shop around!

2007.5-2017 Cummins Cylinder Head Gasket (54774)-Headgaskets-Mahle-Dirty Diesel Customs

54774 Mahle Cylinder Head Gasket

The Mahle 54774 is an OE replacement headgasket with the same fit, seal, and function as the original gasket that came on your 6.7L Cummins. When we're doing a head gasket job at the shop, this is the gasket we're choosing every time.

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2007.5-2018 Cummins Head Gasket Set (HS54774-1)-Headgaskets-Mahle-Dirty Diesel Customs

HS54774-1 Headgasket And Upper Gasket Kit

The HS54774-1 by Mahle for your 2007.5-2013 Dodge Ram 6.7L includes all OE Spec Gaskets and Seals. These kits meet or exceed OE Specifications on your Cummins and ensure a proper seal every time.

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Add Head Studs

Let's face it, nobody wants to be tearing apart their Cummins to do the headgasket and studs. It's expensive, meticulous, and time-consuming - so if you're already in there, make sure you do the job right with ARP Head Studs. ARP has continually proven themselves to be the only head stud you can trust with your 5.9L or 6.7L Cummins. 

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1998.5+ Cummins ARP Head Stud Kit (247-4202)-Head Studs-ARP-Dirty Diesel Customs

247-4202 Cummins ARP Headgasket Kit

ARP Pro Series cylinder head studs are cold-forged to ensure molecular integrity. They are heat-treated prior to thread rolling and machining. 

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1998.5-2021 Cummins ARP CA625+ Head Stud Kit (247-4204)-Head Studs-ARP-Dirty Diesel Customs

247-4204 ARP 625 Aged High Strength HeadGaskets

The Custom Aged 247-4204 add another layer of security in your 5.9L or 6.7L Cummins build with extra-strong studs with the Custom Aged 625+ material that has a minimum rating of 260,000psi tensile strength. This ensures that even with abnormally high combustion chamber pressure the 247-4204 Custom Aged Studs will provide the clamping strength necessary to keep your cylinder head from lifting.

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1998.5-2021 Cummins Heavy Duty Head Stud Kit (HSK5967C)-Head Studs-Gator Fasteners-Dirty Diesel Customs

Gator HD Head Stud Kit

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1998.5-2021 Cummins Diesel Competition Series Head Stud Kit (HSK5967C-CS)-Head Studs-Gator Fasteners-Dirty Diesel Customs

Gator Competition Series Head Stud Kit

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Add EGR Delete

At Dirty Diesel Customs, we don't mess with anything but the highest quality parts, that's why we are excited to bring you the Dirty EGR Upgrade Kit.

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2007.5-2008 Cummins Dirty EGR/Cooler Delete (I67-EGR-A048)-EGR Delete-Dirty Diesel Customs-Dirty Diesel Customs

2007.5-2009 Cummins EGR Upgrade Kit

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These cannot be shipped to the USA.
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2009-2024 Cummins Dirty EGR/Cooler Delete (I67-EGR-A006)-EGR Delete-Dirty Diesel Customs-Dirty Diesel Customs

2009-2020 Cummins EGR Upgrade

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These cannot be shipped to the USA.
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Add Valve Springs

The 07-S-003 by Hamilton Cams are replacement Valve Springs for the 5.9L or 6.7L Cummins Engine. Stock springs have 78-82lbs of seat pressure on average at 1.380'.

This is fine for a stock truck but as soon as you begin to make over 35psi (boost or drive pressure) at 3,800rpm the stock springs begin to lose control of your valvetrain. Hamilton 103lb Springs are built by valvetrain professionals to ensure your valvetrain does its job.

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1998.5-2022 Cummins 103lb Valve Springs (07-S-003)-Valve Springs-Hamilton Cams-Dirty Diesel Customs

07-S-003 103lb Valve Springs

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Add HD Pushrods

The Hamilton Cam 07-P-004 Extreme Duty Pushrods are designed to handle the aftermarket power you're throwing at your 5.9L or 6.7L Cummins. They are designed to handle over 750hp - whether you're running in the street or the strip these are the pushrods for you.

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1998-2019 Cummins Extreme Duty Pushrods (07-P-004)-Pushrods-Hamilton Cams-Dirty Diesel Customs

07-P-004 Extreme Duty Cummins Pushrods

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