2008-2019 Powerstroke - CCS Tuned EZ-Lynk Auto Agent 3.0

Coopers Custom Solutions

Part Number: AA-08-19-PWR-CCS-LS
Sale price$1,609.00 CAD
2008-2019 Powerstroke - CCS Tuned EZ-Lynk Auto Agent 3.0-Tuning-Dirty Diesel Customs-Dirty Diesel Customs
2008-2019 Powerstroke - CCS Tuned EZ-Lynk Auto Agent 3.0-Tuning-Dirty Diesel Customs-Dirty Diesel Customs
2008-2019 Powerstroke - CCS Tuned EZ-Lynk Auto Agent 3.0-Tuning-Dirty Diesel Customs-Dirty Diesel Customs

This product ships for free to most Canadian locations! Learn more

Tuning:Limited Support

*Asterisks indicates a required selection.

VIN #*

Vehicle Identification Number

Is your Truck Stock, Deleted, or Upgraded?

Please list all modifications on your truck


 Year Make Model Engine
Ford F-Series 6.4L or 6.7L Powerstroke
Note: If you have an F-650 or F-750, please be sure to select the "2008-2019 Powerstroke CCS F-650/F-750 Tuning Upgrade".

The Future of Vehicle Diagnostic & Control:
EZ-LYNK Auto Agent 3.0 w/ CCS Tuning

All Powerstroke Tunes Include Transmission Tuning (TCM) 

Coopers Custom Solutions is offering his legendary tuning on the 6.4L and 6.7L Powerstroke. CCS is based in Alberta, Canada, and his tuning is designed for Canadian Life. 

The EZ-Lynk gives you the control you need when tuning your Superduty. The cloud-based tuning gives you the option of updating or reflashing your truck from anywhere. You no longer need to visit a shop or load an SD Card to flash your truck. Also, in the event of a problem, CCS can access your data logging and files remotely so if you're having issues, they can see what happened and make the necessary changes to get you back on the road.  

Optional Idle Sounds: Hiss or Rumble will be an available option in the cloud.


Ask a Question
  • I have a 6.4 2008 power stoke what tune should I run for the most power and to roll coal at the same time, this is for my off road truck

    The 300hp tune will give you the most power.

  • Does this come with the screen to monitor?

    You monitor 2 ways with EZ Lynk, when you have the auto agent plugged in the OBDII port you can go on the app, go to dashboard and it will display your parameters, so if you have a holder for your phone installed on the truck you can monitor that way. Or you can unplug the auto agent and install an CTS3 Monitor. 

  • Does this price come with the unlimited support package and tunes or is it extra

    If you select the Unlimited Support Package option that price includes all the tunes.

  • After the calibration process has been completed must the display be left hooked up?

    Nope! After flashing the new tuning onto your truck, the EZ-Lynk can be unplugged. The Device only has to remain plugged in if you want to monitor parameters, data log, update tuning, etc.

  • Can you disable traction control with a tuner like this? For 2013 6.7 powerstroke.


  • I have just bought a used 2017 Ford F250 from a Dodge Dealership. I have come to realize it is equipped with an EZ Lynk Auto Agent. The dealership took it on an a trade and know 0 about the tuner. I have attempted to discover things about this Tyner on my own but I am deathly terrified of messing something up. How do I go about finding the best tunes for towing my 37' fifth wheel? Also, how do I go about finding a technician to lynk to?

    You will need a support pack from a new tuning company, we would recommend CCS and a 45hp tune would be great for pulling your fifth wheel


  • I PRESENTLY HAVE SCT GTX TUNER no delete done yet , can i use this instead of purchasing a new tuner or is this one better then the GTX

    Yes, you can use the EZ Lynk to tune your truck, or you can purchase a custom tune for your GTX tuner here https://www.dirtydieselcustom.ca/products/2011-2019-powerstroke-sct-custom-tune-files-ccs-sct

  • When I download a engine tune does it tune the transmission with it or do I need to go to Trans tunes a download one

    TCM tuning is included on the EZ Lynk

  • Will I have any issues with a stock fuel system on my 2011 6.7

    Nope! We can turn up the power even more once supporting mods have been installed!

  • Does the Unlimited Support package include trans tuning for the factory ford transmission on a 2017 F-350 6.7 Powerstroke?

    Yes, all CCS Support Packages for the 2011-2019 Powerstrokes will include Transmission tuning.

  • Will I lose my Factory Exhaust Brake?

    No, the Factory Exhaust Brake utilizes the OEM VGT turbo for braking. You will only lose the exhaust brake feature if your truck has an aftermarket in-line exhaust brake.

  • Can I reload my original factory tune file whenever for emissions check?

    Yes you can reload your original factory tune file for emissions checks. Ensure you have the stock file saved before tuning. Use the EZ-Lynk app to flash the stock file back to the truck when needed.

  • When I do upgrades to my truck do I have to contact ccs to write new tunes or do I just type what’s done to my truck in the ez lynk with unlimited support

    You need to contact CCS to write new tunes when you make significant upgrades to your truck, such as turbos or injectors. For simple mods, tune revisions are typically not required​​.
    Using the EZ Lynk with unlimited support, you can request tune adjustments directly through the app or by contacting CCS with your VIN, modification details, and preferences​.

  • I bought a truck with ez link already installed. How do I get access now?

    If you purchased the truck with ez-lynk device, and previous owner did not do the "hand over" in the app you will have to purchase a new support pack in order to access files.

  • If I get this tuner and then put bigger tires on my truck will I have to change my tunes


  • can you install a switch on the fly switch with an ezlynk auto cal 3.0 on a 2019 F250?


  • Will the original exaust with gutted Cat & DPF be ok for tuning or do I have to replace it with a new exaust for tuning?

    A gutted CAT and DPF system can work, but ensure no restrictions or sensor conflicts.

  • If I get the unlimited package can I update my tune from time to time as I change things on my truck. Example: I currently run on 35" tires but plan to put 37" or 38" within a year or so. Is there an extra charge for this?

    The Unlimited Package allows tune updates for changes like tire size at no extra charge. Major upgrades might require additional costs.

  • I have a 2010 f350. Will the dial work with my truck
