2010-2021 Cummins - Proven Diesel 68RFE TCM Tune File

Proven Diesel

Part Number: 68RFE-PROVEN-TCM-EZ
Sale price$399.99 CAD
2010-2021 Cummins - Proven Diesel 68RFE TCM Tune File-TCM Tune Files-Proven Diesel-68RFE-PROVEN-TCM-EZ-Dirty Diesel Customs
2010-2021 Cummins - Proven Diesel 68RFE TCM Tune File-TCM Tune Files-Proven Diesel-Dirty Diesel Customs

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*Asterisks indicates a required selection.

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 Year Make Engine
2010-2021 Dodge Ram
6.7L Cummins & 68RFE Transmission ONLY

Why should you get TCM Tuning on your 68RFE? Read about it here

This is for guys that are currently running Proven Diesel Tuning and have made the wise decision to get some transmission tuning to help boost the line pressure in your truck.

Adding TCM tuning will make your transmission shift firmer and hold gears longer while towing which in turn will help reduce transmission temps in your 68RFE. This can be ordered for either EFI-Live or EZ-Lynk Systems! 


Ask a Question
  • Will this work on an mm3 tuner?

    Yes, MM3 supports 68RFE transmission tuning.