2016-2022 2.8L Duramax CCS EFILive Custom Tune Files

Coopers Custom Solutions

Part Number: 16-19-LWN-CCS-EFI-Single
Sale price$499.99 CAD
2016-2022 2.8L Duramax CCS EFILive Custom Tune Files-Tune Files-Coopers Custom Solutions-Dirty Diesel Customs

This product ships for free to most Canadian locations! Learn more

Tuning:1 Single Tune

*Asterisks indicates a required selection.

VIN #*

Vehicle Identification Number

Device Serial #

Please provide your serial number

Authorization Number

Only Required When We Are Supplying The VIN License

Power Level

Tire Size

Transmission Type

Do you Require Autocal Link Codes?*

Is your Truck Stock, Deleted, or Upgraded?

Please list all modifications on your truck

Stock read file upload

Required to write your tunes. Please upload your read file.

Drag your file here or click to upload.
Wrong file type. Please try again!


 Year Make Engine
LWN w/ 2.8L Duramax


  • These are files only! You need an EFILive AutoCal Device to flash these tunes onto your truck! 
  • You will need to flash the tune first. If any hard messages appear on the dash, then you will need to flash the reset file. 

Unlike most files on the market, CCS is true custom tuning for your Duramax. Just let us know what you're doing with the truck and we will get you tuning that is written specifically for your truck and your usage. 

Coopers Custom Solutions writes their custom tunes for the Duramax in Canada and is highly regarded as one of the best custom tuners for the Duramax engine. Allow you to make safe and reliable power in your LWN.


Ask a Question
  • Is this tune have the dpf delete and egr cancel ?

    Yes, it is designed as an emissions off.

  • Are you only offering single tunes at this time? Looking for dsp4 tuning

    Correct, at this time only Single Tune options are available, however, we could set you up with multiple single tunes. You would just have to reflash your truck each time you wanted to access a different power level. Feel free to shoot an email to sales@dirtydieselcustoms.com for a custom quote!

  • Does this tuning allow for the egr and def tank to be removed? Will it have a check engine light on l?

    Yes, this is delete tuning to allow you to remove the EGR and DPF without having any check engine lights. You don't have to remove the DEF tank you can simply leave it as is.

  • Is the tune only available with autocal or it can be use with an orther tuner

    You could look into an MPVI3 w/ GDP Custom Tuning as well.