EFI Live Custom Tuning Revision

EFI Live

Part Number: TUNE-REV-EFI-0110
Sale price$150.00 CAD
EFI Live Custom Tuning Revision-Tune Revision-EFI Live-Dirty Diesel Customs

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Select Your Truck:2001-2010 Duramax
Revision Type:Modification to Current File (30 Days After Purchase)

Fuel Your Build with These Extras

Price with add-ons:

*Asterisks indicates a required selection.

VIN #*

Vehicle Identification Number

Is your Truck Stock, Deleted, or Upgraded?

Please list all modifications on your truck

Choose your Tuner*

Previous Order Number*


Year Make
2006-2022 Dodge Ram 5.9L or 6.7L Cummins
2001-2016 GMC

LB7, LLY, LBZ, LMM, & LML 6.6L Duramax

Note: These are Tune File Updates only! You need to have previously purchased CCS, AMDP, or Proven tuning and will require an EFILive AutoCal Device to flash the updated tunes onto any truck. 

Looking to update your EFI Live Custom Tuning to accommodate all those new modifications? Or maybe you just want to get some more power (who wouldn't?). Either way, this EFI Live Custom Tuning Revision will do precisely that and more! Please note, this is an update only and only works for existing customers looking to update their current tuning.

Part Number: TUNE-REV-EFI


Ask a Question
  • When I purchase your EFI Live Custom Tuning Revision (TUNE-REV-EFI), does it come with the exhaust brake? If so does it turn on when I have tow haul on? My truck is a LBZ

    Yes, but if you are already tuned with CCS you should have brake on level 2 already.

  • Will this work on a an Archy autocal.


  • I bought my tunes right from ccs, would I be able to get tune revisions from you

    You can order the revisions from us, correct.

  • I already have a single tune from you by ccs. Can I purchase this to switch to SOTF with tcm or do I need to purchase a whole new set of tune files


  • I have a single tune from amdp and would like to switch to get the 5 tune is that the right revision? And if I already had the tcm tuning do I need to buy it again with the tune revision or no?

    No you don't, you are good to just buy the upgrade to sotf we will add the tcm on if you have already purchased it!

  • will this work with an efi live flashscanv3 ?

    Yes, as long as you're updating a tune you've purchased from us.